Jack Is Adopted!
Jack with Matt and Jillian
Jack was surrendered by his owners as they were going to be traveling back and forth oversees, and felt it would be hard on Jack, and thought it would be best to let us help find him a home.
Matt and Jillian applied to the rescue to adopt a young dog that could keep up with their active lifestyle. They were looking for an active dog, yet also needed a dog that they could realistically manage with their busy schedule. We thought Jack would be the perfect dog for them, and we were right!
“We adopted Jack a few months ago, and although he’s been part of our “pack” for only three months, we can’t imagine what life would be like without him.
Jack actually was a super trooper and adjusted to our schedules fairly easily. We tried to minimize his adjustment period by providing proper exercise (at least 20 minutes of SPRINTING time and two walks per day). Jack loves playing fetch on both land and in the water and will start spinning in anticipation for the next ball throw. Whenever we have trouble with Jack, it’s usually because we did not exercise him enough.
He's made great steps on his obedience training. When we adopted Jack, he knew shake/paw, sit, down, and bed. Now, he knows to go to his specific spot, how to heel, “wait”, “stay”, and “look”. Walks were initially a huge struggle as everything would attract Jack’s attention. As a hunting breed, Jack’s fascination with the local wildlife (cats, birds, lizards, and possums) was not unexpected, but it was difficult to break his laser focus. We’ve made INCREDIBLE progress on his walks and he now allows for loose-leash walking.
In the last couple of weeks, Jack has been a very faithful companion. As we’ve gotten to know him and experience his personality, he’s become much more of a Velcro-dog that GSPs are known for. Especially during the evening hours when the sun is down, Jack loves to cuddle with us and often forgets that he’s a big boy (60 pounds and growing). We’re also thrilled that he’s very vocal and communicates to us about what he wants. We are now learning how to differentiate between Jack’s “I need to go to the bathroom” and his “I want to go out to play” vocalizations.
We feel so lucky to have found the California GSP Rescue and to have found Jack! Though the adoption process was lengthier than some other organizations, the wonderful volunteers at the California GSP Rescue really spent the time to understand what we were looking for in a dog and what we could realistically handle. Their commitment to the wellbeing of the dogs really helped set us and Jack up for a successful forever relationship”.