Missy is a 14-year-old Pointer who thinks she is much younger. In the two to the four-year-old range. After having her around for a little while, we're beginning to believe her! Impressive for a girl whose previous owner turned into the shelter requesting euthanasia because she had a grapefruit-sized growth on her leg
In the morning, you'll find her bouncing, no joke, with excitement to load up in the car and go to the rescue. She cannot wait to get out the door and in the car! She rides nicely in the car, enjoying the passing scenery. Once at the rescue, she'll interact with the other dogs for a few hours sneaking in pets from whoever she can.
She gets along with almost everyone she meets. However, when someone new gets in her face, she will give them an alligator snap, letting them know they are too close and in her space. Once she gets to know the new dog and the new dog gets to know her, she is much more relaxed. After a few hours of socializing and checking out any new smells, she will begin her little bouncy dance when anyone looks like they are leaving. Her way of letting you know she is ready to go.
Once back to her foster home, she enjoys taking a nap on her dog bed in the den. After a few winks, she'll go outside through the doggy door to see if anything is needing her attention. She is an excellent little watchdog letting you know if there is anyone that shouldn't be there. Her hearing is good, and she will sometimes get up to explore any noises outside. Once she does bark, she is good about coming back inside when called, knowing she has done her job.
Missy loves breakfast and dinner. While she doesn't like dogs getting in her face, she doesn't seem to have an issue with dogs, or people, being in the area when she is eating. After eating, Missy isn't one to go after another dog's meal and is quite content licking her bowl with a look that begs for more. Sometimes her cuteness can finagle a treat for which she is happy to sit.
Missy finds maneuvering stairs challenging. A home with just a few or no stairs would be ideal. She is perfect for walks, although she tends to get excited and has pulled for a short time when first starting. She appears to be house trained and hasn't had any accidents. However, we recommend managing her the first few days until she gets on a new routine.
A perfect home for Missy would be one that doesn't have young un-socialized dogs. Although, if they are responsive and trainable, Missy might let them stay. She loves pets. The more someone is home, the better. Did we mention she loves pets?
If you are interested in learning more about Missy, please apply here. If you aren’t able to adopt, please share Missy’s post to help find her a forever home.